Thursday, August 13, 2009

3 weeks

Can you believe 3 weeks have passed already?
Last night, Ava and I went on a walk to the lake in our neighborhood. It was the first time she'd been in her stroller for any length of time; it's about a 30-minute round trip. She seemed to like it for a while, but on the way home from the lake she started wailing. Chris was outside doing yardwork, and he said he heard her before he saw us. Poor girl, she's so mistreated.

Today I got out her tummy-time mat.
She smiled and cooed for a couple of minutes.
Then she heard the crinkle of the flower petals attatched to the mat, and she tried to eat it.
She got bored really quickly.

Don't you just want to squeeze her?

Monday, August 10, 2009

New blog

I've started this new blog to keep our families up to date with pictures. This is so much easier than e-mailing pictures to everyone individually.
If you haven't already seen the posts on my other blogs, you can see them by clicking this link.

These next two pictures were taken today, at 18 days old.
She looks so funny in this swing; it's so big, and she's so tiny.
She didn't know what to think of the swing at first. But that only lasted about 10 minutes, then she decided she didn't really care for it.
And she gave me the stink face.
Here are a few of my favorite pics so far-

Ava & cousin Dylan

Ava & her momma

Uncle Adam, cousin Emma, Daddy & Ava
Keep checking back. I'll update often.