It's hard to tell the gender of babies. They haven't developed those characteristics we humans associate with either sex. I totally understand that. But if one more person says to me
"Is it a him?"
I think I'll scream.
First off, there's something
really wrong with that question. I'm no
English major, but I do believe that the
grammatically correct way to pose this question would be
"Is it a
Still, I have issues with that. First, "It" is a baby, so recognize that, all you strangers who approach me!!
Second, I'd understand their question a bit better if Ava was ambiguously dressed, like so:

but she's usually dressed in clothes that are
definitely female. But, the
second time I got that question (complete with the poor grammar), Ava was wearing a pink outfit. I guess the questioner noticed the confused look on my face as I looked down at Ava in her pink outfit, because she said to me "I get so confused on the pink and blue thing, I forget who wears what."
OK, so boys can wear pink, and girls can wear blue. But how many boys do you know that would wear this--

Better not question me now, people. Boys
do not wear head bows.