Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It's been so long.
I attribute that to the fact that I work, am a half-assed housewife, and I try to enjoy every minute with my baby, because she's growing up so very fast. Ava is 8 months old now. She loves to crawl, dislikes being held unless you're walking with her, and she's learning to clap.
She loves squash but hates green beans, wants to play with this computer although she has her own, and still does not have a single tooth in her head.

Ava's a ham. Talk to her and she'll smile at you, just like she does every little old lady that passes her. Today at the grocery, a man joked, "what isle did you get that baby from?"
I just smiled.
What I wanted to say is that this Baby model is unavailable to the general public.
That we were on a waiting list for several years for our Baby.
That we are 100% satisfied with her, and couldn't have asked for a better one.