Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter week

Wow, what a great week!

First, there was Easter. We celebrated with my mom on Saturday. It was rainy, as it has been for the last 2 weeks straight, so we had an egg hunt inside.

This should be sent to

I'm always trying to get a good picture of the 3 of us- but again, we failed. We're all making stupid faces, but this was the best of 5.

We left Saturday afternoon to visit Chris's family. We were there for a few days, and got to spend some time with family. While we were there, we celebrated Granny & Poppy's wedding-

Ok-- side story about the cake- Doug (Poppy) raises chickens. Lots of them. So his daughter (who made the cake) made the bride & groom out of marshmallow chickens. And this girl must have a good sense of humor- just look at the hair on the groom chicken. Then look at the hair on the groom. :)

Thankfully, the weather in E.KY was so much better! We actually got to do an Easter egg hunt outside. Ava had such a good time!

By the way, do you recognize that dress?

Ava got to play with some cousins she didn't even know she had.

We went up on Chris's family's property and got up close and personal with some horses. Seriously, that was the friendliest animal I've ever met. He just followed us around and wanted to be petted (or is it pet?).

The view from atop the mountain was amazing.


I hope this week is a little slower. I really want to make something!!

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