Tuesday, February 22, 2011

tool cup and paisley dress

I made a couple more things yesterday.

I decided that the kitchen table was NOT the best place for my sewing machine. It's just too hard to keep my toddler away from it. So, I made myself a little sewing area in our guest room.
I bought a small card table, which I think will actually help my sewing- you can't sew too fast or the whole table will bounce! This will keep my speed in check, which will in turn keep my seams a bit neater.

I needed a place to put my small tools, like my scissors, pens, and seam measure. I had just empltied this Vlassic jar, and decided to upcycle it into something useful.

It works beautifully!
Next, I made a pillowcase dress from fabric, not a pillowcase. I used the tutorial from Prudent Baby. Somehow, I messed up the top and the neck is waaaaaay smaller than it should be.

I think the problem came from the armholes- I cut them from the neckline. Oops.

Can you tell I made a mistake?

I had such a hard time keeping her still for these photos.

I love this dress. I think I'll make more. This time, I'll know how to do it correctly.

Next up, flannel lounge pants!

1 comment:

  1. is this the kind of dress with the ribbon around the neck? it's cute and no one would know that you "messed" up unless you told them. looks like Ava thinks it's great! Good job momma!
